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One comment on “Cudos!

  1. I am thankful for the R.C.M.P. I am not thankful for what they are facing lately.This goes for all of the police forces as well. I wish that society could go back to a less stressful time, where we did not allow the greed and ego demon abound. I know that there are bad apples in every group, but remember I say every group. We still don’t have the right to disrrespect the values of the group. So they are not conforming to what we think they should. Does that make it reason to hurt them or the group? I have to hope that we will one day, come to an understanding – that we are all connected, whether we like it or not. -That the knowledge that has been granted to us does not always go for ill use. -That driving your car does mean you need to fear the person who has had one too many is now steamballing towards you and your kin…the list goes on…Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men.


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