I’m sorry… I couldn’t resist this quote

“Women are Angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly… usually on a broomstick. We are flexible like that.” – Anonymous

10 comments on “I’m sorry… I couldn’t resist this quote

  1. I am so glad you posted this. I LOVE this quote. 😀


  2. How true, Liz, how true! It never fails that a woman, who has been beaten down, will get up and start flying again, and even if she has only one wing. This reminds me of a quote from Mary Kay about the bumble bee.

    Have a nice weekend and I wish you continued strength during your relocation.


  3. Absolutely LOVE this one Liz!! hahahaha Now I have a great explanation for people when they ask why I’m so “witchy” lol!


  4. LOVE this quote! Thanks for posting it again!


  5. Been broken several times and keep trying to fly.


    • My sweet angel, never stop flapping your wings. As was recently pointed out in our group, there is a ripple effect and you will reach many, not knowing who or how your changed them, but know also you will have the ripples affect you too. Here is the first of many positive ones to come back to you!


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